Sunday, October 30, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new

So I have been inspired to start blogging again.  I went back and looked at my old blog,
but couldn't remember how to log in.  Sad but true.
But sometimes it is good to start fresh.  It seems to be the theme of my life recently.
After changing jobs 3 months ago I find myself looking for employment again.  It is very stressful and often disheartening.  I'm to the point where I will take anything in the short term and will go to a Temp Agency tomorrow.
Lots of changes in my life.  Lots of opportunities for a fresh, new start.  At 44, have I learned the lessons to make each new start better than the past?  I hope so.  It's hard not to look at the past as "failure".  But I have been recently challenged to look for a different word, other than the "f" word to describe those places in my journey that have needed to be left behind.  I don't know what that word is yet, but I'm sure I will find it.  Until then, I think I'm going to look foward towards the new and exciting future that is ahead of me.  It's much more fun to dream about what is to come than to focus on what was behind.
I'm sure I'll have lots to say as I walk forward.  I'm glad you are interested so far.  It's nice to be known.  That's kinda new, too.

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